About Tyler Bauer

Helping Christians to know God deeper and to love the things He loves

Tyler Bauer

We live in a confused world. We see unrest and riots on the news. We debate the nature of what it means to be to be human. Things feel more politically polarized and chaotic than ever.
I believe that the answer to these problems is centered in Jesus Christ. I believe following him leads to the true, good, and beautiful life. In other words, I think the way of Jesus teaches us what it truly means to flourish as humans.
I serve as the Headmaster of Pietas Classical Christian School, Cocoa Campus. I am also a Professor of Humanities and the Dean of Students at Christ College, and an Instructor of Humanities and Apologetics at Palm Beach Atlantic University.
To contact me, you can email me at [email protected] or follow me on Instagram here.
Thank you for checking out my page!

Curriculum Vitae


2022 – 2025

Ph.D. Philosophy of Religion

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Fort Worth, TX

2020 – 2022

MA. Philosophy

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Fort Worth, TX

2016 – 2019

MA. Christian Apologetics

Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

La Mirada, CA


BS. Music Education

Clearwater Christian College

Clearwater, FL

Books and Presentations



(Forthcoming) Twelve Rules for Death

A collection of Protestant musings on death and how to live a fruitful Christian Life

Co-edited with Mark Hamilton

Davenant Press- October, 2025

The Challenge of Transhumanism

Faithful Witness Apologetics Conference, Palm Beach Atlantic University- 2024

Should Calvinists Be Optimistic Regarding the Scope of Salvation? (Academic)

ETS/EPS Southwest Regional- 2023

Connect with Tyler Bauer