What Are The Transcendentals?

What Are The Transcendentals?

Introduction What are the Transcendentals? If you recognize the word “transcendental” at all, you probably link it to  Romantic Era authors like Ralph Waldo Emerson or Henry David Thoreau. This isn’t incorrect as these authors were connected to a...
Why Read the Classics

Why Read the Classics

Why Read the Classics? Some wit once said, “Classics are those which everyone wants to have read but nobody wants to read.”   Regardless of whether or not this is true, it does beg the question, “Why are classics…well…classic?”  ...
Squid Game and the Soul

Squid Game and the Soul

It’s all fun and Squid Games… If you’re living under a rock like I was, perhaps you’re unaware of the Netflix phenomenon Squid Game. This show is currently the most popular Netflix show of all time and it’s easy to see why. The main...
3 Reasons to Go Read Church History

3 Reasons to Go Read Church History

I confess it’s true: I love theology books. I love the smell, the feel, and the usually deep engagement. The one area of my bookshelf that’s largely empty (though growing), is Church history. Having not read much Church history in a systematic way until my...
What is Philosophy and Who Really Cares?

What is Philosophy and Who Really Cares?

What is Philosophy and Who Really Cares? This is a fantastic question given that the word “philosophy” seems to conjure up images of stoned college freshmen blithering vaguely about socialism and whether or not anything really exists. Who on earth wants to...
2021 Summer Reading

2021 Summer Reading

Summer time is basically here (especially in Texas and Florida where I live), which means a little extra time to get reading done. I’ve compiled a list here of books that I intend to read over the summer to grow in my creativity, my faith, and my Biblical...
The Danger of Meme Theology

The Danger of Meme Theology

In our social media culture, memes are a great way to make a joke and, many times, are a way to make a point. Consider the two memes above. (In the header image) They’re short, fit easily on your feed, and make a pretty clear point. Each meme is attempting to...